Juno was also the one who informed Consus about the creation of the Human species as the servants of the Isu, a feat that Consus didn't believe possible. Juno learned everything about it from the old entity, planning to use it for her own ends. Finding the prototype Shroud, Juno discovered that Consus had developed the consciousness transfer and was trapped into his device.

Three centuries after his death, Juno entered the abandoned laboratory of Consus, a famous Isu scientist who created the Shrouds of Eden, a highly advanced device designed to heal its wearer's body. We must save them from themselves." ―Juno about humanity. They will tear us and each others apart if we do not act. Their actions, however, were in defiance of Poseidon's laws which prohibited human experimentation and so they were banished from the city by Atlantis' Dikastes Aletheia. įollowing Project Anthropos, which saw the successful creation of humanity as a docile, subservient workforce, Juno and Aita travelled to the city of Atlantis and begun experimenting on humans with a view to create several "pet" creatures. At one point in her life, she met and fell in love with Aita, a fellow Isu of the Illuminat caste. Juno was born in the city of Feyan, in 2195 Isu Era. Biography Early life and time in Atlantis Her followers, the Instruments of the First Will, called her She Who Lies in Wait, while she gave herself the title the Mother of Wisdom. In Norse mythology, Juno was known as the jötunn Hyrrokin. The other name for Juno, Uni, was the Etruscan equivalent of Hera.

Both were regarded as Queen of the Gods, and protectors, similar in both characteristics and personality. Whereas Juno is the name of a Roman goddess, she was also known by her Greek equivalent, Hera. Juno was known by many names both throughout and after her lifetime due to her long life and legacy as a goddess to humanity.