Each issue includes reviews of recent books, monographs, and atlases in geography and related fields. The Geographical Review also includes special features, forum articles, and special review articles commissioned by the editor. Authors are encouraged to write articles that they themselves would enjoy reading. From their unlikely beginnings in the suburban wilds of Melbourne Australia, The Bombay Royale have taken their unique sound to audiences throughout Europe, UK and the USA, where their performances have been met with astonishment and critical acclaim.Tracks:1. The writing in the Geographical Review has always been of a high quality, interesting and accessible to both specialists and nonspecialists. Fronted by Parvyn Kaur Singh, the daughter of shabad singer Dya Singh, and Shourav Bhattacharya a second generation Indian-Australian computer whizz, they present twelve tracks which create a varied musical backdrop. We encourage empirical studies that are grounded in theory, innovative syntheses that offer a deeper understanding of a phenomenon, and research that leads to potential policy prescriptions. Based in Melbourne, The Bombay Royale are (currently) an eleven piece ensemble containing a wicked horn section which exudes life throughout the group’s sound. islands, one of which called Isle Royale is SURBURG, a large village of France, in the. Specifically, submissions in the areas of human geography, physical geography, nature/society, and GIScience are welcome, especially inasmuch as they can speak to a broad spectrum of readers. Since the rise of Bombay, rence derives its ample stream.

The Geographical Review welcomes authoritative, original, ably illustrated, and well-written manuscripts on any topic of geographical importance. As the oldest journal in the United States devoted exclusively to geography and the leading journal of geography for the past 150 years, the Geographical Review contains original and authoritative articles on all aspects of geography.